Fluvanna Leadership Development Program

Registration for Class 22 is now open. Applications will be accepted until membership reaches 30 or August 15, whichever happens first. Before you apply, please review the graduation requirements on the "About FLDP" page and on the "2024-25 Session Calendar" from the menu above.


The  Fluvanna Leadership Development Program gives residents like YOU the tools you need to be more engaged and more effective in your local government and community. You’ll learn about the people and processes that make Fluvanna great, and the opportunities we have to make an even brighter tomorrow.

Each session of our course gives an introduction to an element of Fluvanna civic life. From county ordinances to school closures to non-profit growth, the FLDP process helps you see Fluvanna from a richer perspective. Group projects will give you a chance to collaborate and start giving back right away. Starting in late Fall, project teams will generally meet outside of the regular sessions, possibly requiring 1-2 extra hours bi-weekly.

Class 22 of FLDP will begin on August 22, 2024. The program consists of 20 sessions including a county-wide bus tour, a Board of Supervisors meeting and School Board meeting. It will culminate with graduation in April 2025. Classes will generally be held every other week on Thursdays from 6:30pm – 9:00pm.

Since the first class was offered in 2003, over 500 citizens have completed the program. Many graduates have gone on to fill elected and professional positions in county government; countless others have taken leadership or supporting roles in the many not-for-profit organizations that provide critical services to the community.

YOU are ready to engage. We can help you take the next steps.

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The Fluvanna Leadership Development Program is supported by Fluvanna County and is affiliated with the Virginia Cooperative Extension.

Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran status, or any other basis protected by law.